Monday, March 30, 2009

An Update?

Though I do not have a great supply of time tonight I will endeavor to cover with some justice the Weekend's excitement.

The Regency Exhibition Ball in Lansing, Michigan was an absolutely amazing time from beginning to end. We departed Chicago Friday afternoon for the three hour tour which took us from one capitol city to the next. Upon arrival we checked into the hotel and aside from some Mad Libs were done for the night. The following day, full of anticipation, we tried to distract ourselves with Antique shopping. I managed to get out with only a couple props for Naperville totaling at less than $10. MY dear love was not so fortunate. She found excellent things though and can hardly be blamed. Shawls are sneaky. Afterward we returned to the hotel and made ready before heading out, in full costume, to the ball.

The Ball was an amazing experience. The refreshments were tasty and the dancing was great fun. There was a gentleman calling the steps so everyone was learning together producing a very supportive, friendly atmosphere. Everyone looked incredible in their finery and the resulting look throughout the room felt very special and historical.

Also important to mention is another good reason to check out my blog page. I have added another Twitter stream entitled "Decisions I've Made". I think this will serve as another amusing way to present information to you. I hope you will all enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What is this "planning" of which you speak?

I don't really have any earth shattering news to impart on you all today so here are a few things to look forward to maybe hearing about or at least getting a cryptic tweet to interpret.

Tea Time?-Tab and I are considering doing having a monthly (or fortnightly) tea-stravaganza/ high tea since we have decided we don't spend enough time with our friends due to lack of events we can attend. My answer to not being able to make it to events has always been to make myself in charge of events. Ergo, tea. Here's a hint, if you respond with a desire to attend it greatly improves your chances of being remembered when we try to figure out whom to invite.

Phi Psi Drinkies?- I'm trying to get a gathering of my fraternity brothers together here in Chicago since I have, so far, failed at the task of getting to Beloit for any of the events I wanted to attend. Hopefully I will make it to Graduation or the next initiation event. Any Phi Psis in the area think this is a good idea?

Regency Exhibition Ball- We're going to haul our happy little behinds to Lansing, Michigan for what promises to be a spectacular gathering. I've been working on my clothes for this event for a while (read: too long due to procrastination) so if I speak of working on sewing this is likely what I'm referring to.

Dinner Parties- Got a few of these coming up and looking forward to them immensely. Good job hosts, you know who you are.

For all of you today a truism. Let's be honest, we all know maths and statistics are a bag of filthy lies.

Monday, March 09, 2009

With love, and some links


I have now introduced Tabitha to my folks who graciously hosted us for a few days in Ohio during my spring break. Thankfully everyone got along swimmingly (as I knew they would) and the stay wasn't so long as to give city dwellers too much cabin fever. Here is a brief overview of the happenings:

Day 1: Arrived in Ohio in time for dinner and everyone was introduced. Embarrassing stories began with expected immediacy signaling acceptance of Tabitha into the fold.

Day 2: Walked the grounds. Introduced Tabitha to the horses and general farm atmosphere. Tabitha was also treated to a lesson on the history of the site and family.

Day 3: Tour of the area's attractions... both of them. Checked out the "famous" Y Bridge and the Zanesville Art Center as well as some artists' studios. Attended the Eagle ceremony of Matthew VanHorn.
>Congratulations to him for his high achievement and a warm welcome into the brotherhood of Eagles.

Day 4: Day of departure. Packed and finished up projects begun before departing by way of Tom's Ice Cream Bowl, a local 50's style diner.

And now it's shameless plug time.

For those of you who've a mind to support the arts The Suitcase Shakespeare Company, product of the brilliant minds of the Bristol Renaissance Faire, is selling swag for your purchasing enjoyment. Check it out here:

At long last and with some prodding my good friend Dan Webster has posted a video of himself performing live for your viewing pleasure. Aside from being an awesome fellow all around Dan is one of the more gifted musicians I've had the pleasure of meeting and I hope you will take the time to visit his CD baby page as well for some samples of his music. The new album is dynamite (as well as being affordable) and I recommend it highly.
Come on, would I lead you wrong?