Monday, January 03, 2011

a non retrospective new year post

I thought, just for novelty's sake, I'd try writing a post for the new year without trying to quantify the year I just had. The year was good, don't get me wrong but I think if you're likely to read these words you are also likely to have heard about the notable events of 2010. The question now becomes what does 2011 have in store? Tab and I will be cleaning and overhauling our apartment for the next month once I get back from Winter Wonderland. Once that is done we hope to host more events. Likely either a meeting of our book club or a tea party to kick it all off.

I also hope to successfully apply for full time admission to a library science masters program. With any luck I'll get in for the fall of 2011.

For those who know me as Captain Frobisher I will be returning to the streets of Bristol and Strongholde this year. Frobie may be making an appearance in the upcoming season of Gamer Chick. I am looking for other bookings as well so it should be a good year on the performance side of things.

Most of all I am looking forward to building a life with Tab. For once we will have our the time to make our plans and choices for ourselves alone. Having Heather leave is going to have a toll. It is going to be a trying time for everyone but the time has come for change and I am excited by the promise of it all.