Monday, July 14, 2008

Queries and Nerding

I have a few questions for you, my readers.

Firstly- are you enjoying the current flavour of the blog/ do you have any requests or comments? Anything I can do to make the blog more readable is something I would like to be able to do.

Secondly- Have you had an opportunity to check out the new D&D 4.0 books? I am trying to decide whether or not it would be a good idea to pick them up for my upcoming game. Does the system look as good to you? Will gameplay be as rich? Are the books printed poorly?

Lastly- Do you live in Chicagoland? Do you want to be in on a weekly game?

1 comment:

  1. 4.0 is quite nice, in my opinion, although forget all you knew about multiclassing and prestige classes in 3.0 (but for the better, in my opinion).

    The game I'm in starts on Wednesday. I'm a Dragonborn Paladin - Dragonborn being one of the two new base races (Tiefling being the other). Paladins are also now tied to whatever deity you want, and can be any alignment, so, yeah, cool.
