Monday, November 03, 2008

Cabbages and Kings

Get yourself something to drink because I've got one or two things to say and since no one's making you read this I feel no reason I should be brief. For those of you who read regularly or who care enough to read what is to follow, thank you.

That being out of the way let me take care of the business first. I have a new cell phone number. My old plan did not allow me to call Tabitha enough so I have made that last step out of the house and got myself my own cell plan. The old number will still get you through to me for a little while as I'm not sure how long it will be before my folks decide they don't want the plan anymore. However, it may cease to get you in contact with me in a timely manner soon when I get tired of carrying two phones with me all over the place.
Ansel's New Cell Number- 7738963975
Consider yourself informed.

The Halloween party was a smash. The attendance was good and we had a generally brilliant time. I was pleased with the caliber of everyone's costumes until leaving college and seeing people's costumes out and about in the city on Friday I didn't really realize how blessed I am to be friends with artistic people. some of my favourite offerings included "guitar hero" Rachel Wells, "Frank Einstein" Shane and most amusing of all, sexy Lincoln by Fara. They win for clever costume. For cultural references who could ask for more than 1/3 of the crew of Serenity? Katie Chin as River Tamm, Tabitha as Zoe and myself as Wash, as well as Katie K's Pikachu, Derrik's Voldemort and Faith's Death. Most convincing reproduction goes to Heather as Giselle from "Enchanted" and Josh as Hellboy. Let's be fair, Josh already looked like Hellboy so it was all a matter of horns and red makeup. Heather's reproduction of the dress from the film is a titanic feat not to be rivaled.

As some of you may have noticed I am no longer employed at the Corner Bakery. Now that I am honest with myself I was not truly happy with the job. I was tolerating it and letting it mistreat me. Something I told myself I would not do after ACCR. I was little more than a glorified delivery boy. Knowing that I made more money than anyone else outside of management which was not even beginning to be as much as I deserve or need also did not bode well for advancement. As if that were not enough I was not being given enough hours so my paycheck, which should have been twice what I was making at ACCR was hardly better by $100. That being said I did enjoy the experience of working with the colourful people of the Corner Bakery. I was picking up a little Spanish as I went and slowly making the kitchen my own.

I find it hard to be worried though. Being with Tabitha has made me start looking to the future. It has made me think of many things about myself and how I see the world. Tabs and I largely agree on most things. Seeing my own needs and desires reflected back to me has been enlightening. I am reminded that at this point in my life my dreams are the most important thing in the world. Moving toward those goals should be my only focus. It bears thinking then, what are those goals? When I look into the future I see a few things clearly. By the time I am thirty-five I would like to be solidly in academia involved in my studies and imparting my knowledge either though application in conservation and translation or through teaching. By the time I am sixty I would like to have found the comfortable place where I can rest for good. Preferably a cottage in England. The thing these two images have in common is that in each of them I have found love. In both scenarios I am most content because I have a hand to rest in mine and a head to rest beside my own. With those snapshots of the future in mind I have been reminded of the imperative behind my current state. Continuing to let myself be comfortable now will not help me to be comfortable then. I have to take the chances which will make me great. I need to fight for the things I'm owed and I need to protect the beauty I've found.

To that end I am slightly glad that I no longer work at the Corner Bakery. It allowed my to be pleased but it did not make me happy. I need a position which allows me to not worry about money any more. I need a job which allows me to pursue myself as well. At the bakery I was limited by the hours and the pay. I hope that my next job or jobs will allow me to change that. Allow me to make the money I need to pay for the tuition at Loyola, allow me to buy myself a bed to sleep on and a dresser to put my clothes in. To pay my Electric bill for crying out loud. At 9.00p/h I was eating and living, no more.

Things with Tabitha have been amazing in ways I cannot even begin to tell you. the level of connection we feel is like nothing I knew could be possible. I say this only because I cannot do otherwise. She makes me so happy I cannot contain it within myself. I look forward to continuing to tell you all about this relationship for a long time into the future. We've gone on a couple "dates" now which are only differentiated from every other day by our having specifically designated them as such and making the effort to get into the city. A day does not go by without us touching base and every day we try to see each other if there is any time at all. Luckily, there tends to be time hidden away in the mundane tasks of life.

I suppose in retrospect I may have overestimated the length of this post. I had a lot to say when I started and I suppose in the need it wasn't as hard to express as I had anticipated. Tabitha and I have something special and I look forward to exploring that connection I've said it and I feel good for having done so.

Today's Gem of the Internet- For those of you with cats here is a gem first shown to me by Katie Stauffer a few months ago and brought back to my attention by the Breos

Simon's Cat

Also Check out the other two videos posted by this artist. Cat Man Do and Let Me In! I nearly died laughing.

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