Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It's been almost a full month since I last added my screaming voice to the blogosphere. In a desperate attempt to get actual work done I will attempt to be brief. Things for me have gone exceptionally well in recent days. I secured for myself a job which will pay me decently for work which will not suck my soul or make me want to light the place on fire and run away laughing. I will be spending the summer in a tent on the lawn of the Museum of Science and Industry as a part of the cast of Harry Potter: the Exhibition. My job will be to pretend I am British and a wizard. We have a number of duties within the exhibit chief among them being a sorting hat ceremony.

As for the rest of life the semester is closing up at Loyola and I only have one final left to complete, for Latin. My level of worry is quite low for it thus I consider things to be well and truly knotted up in a pretty little bow.

Tab and I will be attending Naperville (as previously mentined) but are otherwise looking forward mostly to Bristol. Having weekends to ourselves is making us very happy indeed.

As for today, I am celebrating having a couple days off by trying to take care of a few things I've been putting off "until I have more time". Well the future is now. Perhaps if I make my progress public there will be some.

[x]Finish Loyola App
[]Write Bio /
[x]do research for Naperville
[]Get more information for The Innkeeper of the Towne Square Pub character I'm doing for Bristol.
[]Make vest and pants for Naperville.
[x]Review Harry potter books, films and trivia
[]Do some writing. I've got some poems, songs and stories kicking around in my head which would be much happier in the free air.

Things I did as well. I didn't want to think I was just twiddling my thumbs.
x bake yeast bread
x bake scones
x write and run Wednesday's game
x hang out with Julia
x sweep and mop apartment
x make "baked chicken Italiana" in pastry.
x Work
x Go out with Tab, Kimba and Robbie
x Take a latin Final

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