Saturday, July 02, 2011

Tao translates to "the way" and from my understanding, which is largely based on "the Tao of Pooh" and some idle discussion in my first year of college, it largely teaches to spend ones energies in positivity. This largely seems to manifest itself in a quiet contemplative demeanour which does not allow minor interruptions to frustrate the spirit.
I have been given a valuable lesson in Tao today. There was a fire on the tracks ahead of my train. Pessimistic announcers and fellow travellers persuaded me to exit the train and worry myself over finding a new route. I say persuaded because somewhere inside I knew that if I stayed they would sort themselves out in due time. I was right. As soon as I got my note for work from the station master the trains got running. I did not learn my lesson then.

I rode the train downtown worrying about being late; though there was nothing to be done for it. Had I stayed at my usual bus stop, according to the bud tracker, I would be very late. So, I fretted. I worked myself into thinking I could chain several short bus rides together and arrive closer to on time. I took the first of three busses and in waiting for the second ended up on the bus I usually take which I could have taken at the usual stop. Now, here I am at work only slightly late and wiry a much better understanding of Tao. Had I not fretted, had I trusted in the inevitability of my arrival and that all would be well I might have arrived earlier. What better lesson could one ask for. Roll with thd punches, take things as they come, follow Tao, however you want to put it the lesson is not to fret or worry but to stay positive and calm.

Here's hoping I learned it.

1 comment:

  1. A very good lesson, and one we can all use reminders of from time tho time.
