Friday, October 03, 2008

Catching up a little

I think I can safely declare myself deficient in my blogging. once again I have gone almost a full month without a post. I hope the twitter feed has kept you mildly entertained though I know it would not me. That being said I once again beg your forgiveness and continued readership as I get over my blog apathy. I care, just apparently not enough to be consistent.

That said there are a few things of note which bear reporting.

Most excitingly I now longer sell books over the phone. Last week on Tuesday I went in to the office to tell them I wouldn't be coming in anymore. That Thursday I got the call hiring me on to be the catering coordinator for the Lake and LaSalle branch of the Corner Bakery Cafe. This last week has been my training at the Wacker and Michigan branch but on Monday I get to start at my true post. Not only have I taken a pay bump but I get full time hours without getting up at 5:30 am which makes me exceptionally happy. The catering business is awesome. I'm still getting used to the POS system and coordinating it with the paper backup system and it's going to be interesting learning to work with the completely different system at my real location. So, if anyone wants a giant basket of sandwiches or sweets I'm your man.

The Geekend went swimmingly. perhaps not as we planned but I think it was all the better for being fluid and more of a hanging out time. It also exposed me to the funniest movie I've seen in a long time, The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. This movie is a must for all people with two brain cells and a sense of humour. The movie plays on the old sci-fi monster movie stereotypes. There are space aliens, mutants, transformations and stupid dialogue to be had in spades.
Here are some trailers. I say you should watch them.

We are planning a Halloween/ housewarming party for the last weekend in October. consider yourself invited. More information will be forthcoming.

If you feel like bringing something we're shooting for games, toys and a mop. Otherwise bring yourself, your costume and your desire to have a good time. The theme is Animated heroes. We're talking comic books, cartoons, comic strips, commercials, if it was drawn it's fair game.

For those of you wondering, yes it counts if the character was only drawn in secondary material (serenity fans) and no, we won't be enforcing the theme.

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