Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Say it like Dr. Venture- "I feel freaking amazing!"

Things are pretty much awesome right now. Work has been great, though I wish I had more hours. I'm getting the hang of things enough that I'm starting on working out ways to make myself indispensable. The way I see it our store needs a catering guru and I aim to fill the position.

In other news the Halloween party is looking good. We've had some good response and I'm looking forward to finishing off my Dr. Orpheus costume for this year though I may have to call it a miss on the cloak.

In other fashion news I am now the proud owner of a burgundy bowler thanks to Josh who got it free from work. I think it looks rather dashing. I have also invested in a tuxedo and bow tie for the upcoming wedding. I know I'll be overdressed but I wanted an excuse to get myself into a tux again. Ragstock had a bunch of ex-rentals so I found one which fit and was in good shape. The thirty dollars were well worth it. It's at the cleaners now, of course, being pressed and otherwise rehabilitated. As for the bow tie, who doesn't need a good bow tie. I searched all over town with Shane for a proper tie-it-yourself bow tie and may have secured for myself the only one in the metropolitan area. Attempts to tie the thing are coming right along. I've got the knot down, now just to make it look pretty every time.

The wedding promises to be quite an event. It's so nice that I get to be there for Doc and Keith's special day but it's also an amazing experience to see people I haven't seen since the close of faire. Things have changed in many lives and I'm excited to see where they've gone.

So, for the happy life checklist:
Employed: check
Eating properly: check
Place to live: check
Time with friends: check
Reading good books: check

Dating: probably approaching the vicinity of checkdom.

Acting: no check, must find auditions.

All in all I think I'm doing pretty well. I will, of course, keep you all updated as things progress.

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