Thursday, July 20, 2006

Another episode of "Ansel Was Wrong"

After my addendum to yesterday I'm feeling very wrong right now. Luckily it's good that I was wrong on this one.

The first order of business I f I told anyone that I had gotten as close to a promotion as possible when Cecil randomly gave me hours because I'm doing a good job. Well it turns out a promotion is possible. Kim, the Athletic Director approached me today and told me that there is a new jb being created as building manager. There would be a pay increase and an office and everything. Would I be interested? It would mean either leavig or spending far less time in the costume shop. I guess in a way that could be good. I can do homework and get paid ina this managerial job wheras costume shop requires me to wake up early on Spring day and symposium day as well as making me actually do stuff. I like that it's giving me theatre experience though. I will need to think about this.

Today's Post. Today was really something. I don't know what but it was something. There has been a team of workmen systematically destroying the area around my workplace for a while now. Today I came in to work to find that the trees with their pretty birds were gone, crap. I only had one person give me a hard time and I'm not sure why. I had gotten a call for the conference worker attached to the camp and went into the gym to tell him to come get the phone. A bunch of the noon ball players (the ones who keep giving me a hard time) were there in the gym watching the camp people play. A few things could have happened here.
1- I could have said "What the hell are you guys doing in here? five of you didn't come in through the proper door which is against the rules. I'm tired of you a** holes using this place like a F#%$ing community center. I'm calling security and having you kicked off campus, thank you."
2- I could have said "please leave the gym, no one is allowed in here while these MINORS are playing basketball in the camp they paid to attend."
What did happen was I walked in and couldn't see to where Dylan was standing through the group of large guys. What I did say, despite the fact that they had subverted the system and made me not do my one job, was "hey guys, what are you doing?" in what I thought to be a friendly and curious tone. This was responded to with harsh and confrontational retorts many of which accused me of "trippin". "Why you gotta' be up on us all the time?" one of them queried. I gave a confused look and said, I just came in to tell Dylan that there's a phone call for him. This was followed by the order "you tell Dylan then". I let it go and simply went ahead and did what I had come in to do. I was nice today, if they give me any more trouble though they can forget about noon ball (oh and tomorrow the gym doors to the outside will be closed. They will cook and if they ask, I will tell them why, I don't have much power but the gym also doesn't have AC). All of the other players follow the rules and treat me nicely, I don't know what the issue is with these few. They all left promptly after our meeting without any coaxing from me, though they didn't look happy about it.

Around that there were many good visitors. I exchanged many jokes about the dwindling list of ways to get to the sports center at all and everyone was generally really nice. I started on a rewrite of something that got started in the park last night. On my way home from Cub I was hit with a bolt of inspiration in the form of an image and had to record it in prose. I therfore stopped in the sketchy park and wrote it on the pad of paper that I have taken to carrying with me all the time. Today I took it a little further and gave it some shape. It's not what it started out as but the product should be pretty good. If it is I'll be sure to put it up.
About halfway through my 6 hour day I was informed that the entrance doors were to be closed off for construction. I was not given further instructions. I decided that it would be silly to shout at everyone walking in the side door to make them stop by the desk on their way in. So I imporvised. I grabbed the lobby table and chair and set up a new desk next to the side doors which had been designated the new way in. I then began a quest for a better table. Gabi, who works in the office went looking around for me so I could stay at my makeshift post. She came back with nothing. It was then that she pointed to the table in the gym and said, what about that one. It was perfect so I went over to the camp coach and asked if he needed the table. He said no, so I snagged it and set up a new, improved impov desk. I grabbed the radio from the office and the sign in stuff and set them up to greet people at our new entrance. I also brought out the spiffy chair and let it down from its perpetual extention to rest at normal person height for the first time in it's existence. I had also brought my fan from my room since the normal area is really hot. I set that up under the desk and was generally very comfy. It turned out to be a very good idea indeed to have done all of those things. And later on, Kim came to tell me what a good job I'm doing and offer me that proposed position. W00t!
After work I checked e-mail and made some Chili flavor ramen with peas and chicken. A very satisfying and tasty meal. This was followed by the first meeting of the Ruhi study circle I joined that Leslie is running. It was a great meeting and I feel I got to say a lot of things that needed saying. It was good to share with other Baha'is what I was feeling about my current state of faith/ emotional arrangement.
On the way home I hit Wal Mart for rearview mirror epoxy. I walked out with a jar of penut butter, epoxy, oil and a big container of gatoraide mix for faire. (Emma or Eric, if I forget to donate it, smack me and remind me.)I came home and stopped by the coctail party at the Spanish house. It wasn't my scene but I got to say "hi" to Adan. I also ran into Nachiket on my way back to the Russian house. He told me that Byron had posted the new episode of Technical difficulties. and sice I haven't really done anything else since that brings me to...

-Whew, am I glad I missed that bell run!-

Today's Gem O' The Internet -
Episode 2 of technical difficulties. The Frogger World Cup and the News Battle were my contributions. To both my mother and Andy Pierre's, I'm sorry about that segment. As for the Frogger piece, 10 fakie pointless points to anyone who correctly identifies the subtle joke of my suit (Yes, pointless points, now with 100% less point).
part 1-
part 2-

Today's Word O' The Day- ( a nonce Word, Huzzah!) textarian, a.- Dealing with or based upon an isolated text, or texts.

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