Thursday, April 03, 2008

Once again I am moving back from the realm of angsty bloggers to the realm of anonymous bloggers, bloggers as they were meant to be. Bloggers who scream into the ether with their caps lock on hoping against hope that someone out there will NOTICE THEM AND VALIDATE THEIR EXISTENCE. Which is somehow less angsty than LiveJournal. Don't ask me. I'm just on the internet I didn't make the rules.

Life has been treating me pretty well of late but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I have been neglecting things that really do not bear negligence. I need to get going on my Soviet Film Paper so that it doesn't sneak up on me and hit me in the back of the head. I also really need to start doing more of my reading for Chinese Calendars. Luckily though the really important stuff shouldn't take too long to catch up on.

I've been talking to Adam, the Street Cast Director, about my street character for this year and I'm really excited. We're talking about doing a thick dialect which should be a load of fun and the current favourite is Tyke. That's right, the thick Yorkshire dialect I've been considering for years. It also gives me a good excuse to read all of those books on Yorkshire that I bought in the UK and schlepped across the ocean.
For more information about Yorkshire dialect you can check out this site. It's got it's flaws to be sure but it's a pretty good source.

Last weekend was awesome. Sunday and Friday were average but Saturday was an experience to be sure. I got up early in the morning (yeah, really) and went to a sheep shearing festival with Siobhan Greene from Faire and her husband Kevin. She plays Levinia Teerink, paintrix in St. George and I hadn't seen her in a dog's age since she now lives in Oklahoma during the off season. I got to have a nice car ride with Kevin on the way there which gave us a good chance to catch up but once we got there it became an agriculture based experience. We stopped talking about our lives and started talking about sheep, bees, fibres, and solar power.

The day moved on from there after the festival had ended and I got to hang out with the family which was the real reason for Siobhan and Kevin to have come all that way. Siobhan was given a lamb by Kevin's Aunt Chris as a wedding present. It didn't have a name yet last time I checked but it was cute like heck. Chances are good that the little lass is going to bear the golden fleece. Exciting, eh?

After hanging out with the family on the farm we went over to Kevin's parent's house which Kevin and his father built themselves. The house is incredible and full of nifty stuff since his dad is an electrician. There were lights on everything and they turned on automatically and lit places I would never have thought to illumine. It made the house both nifty and really comfortable. We stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking about this upcoming season at faire and life in general. It was intensely enjoyable and totally worth making me late for rehearsal the next morning.

Speaking of rehearsal, Good Woman is coming right along. It's going to be quite a show. We're all a little unsure about whether the rapping will make it all a giant fiasco. The rest of the show should be more than enough to make up for it. Here are some photos, enjoy them.

Today's Gem of the Internet, that's right I'm reviving that old chestnut, come from my late night trolling of VH1 while doing Chinese characters. This is a rare wonderful talent and I hope you all enjoy her work as much as I do.

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